The History of the Resort Village of North Grove

One of the earliest permanent settlers in the North Grove area were Mr. W. (Billy) Downs and his family. Mr. Downs homesteaded somewhere in the west half of Section 16—20—26—2 where he constructed a large home, proudly named "Elm Lodge" . About 1890, he began a market garden operation serving nearby villages and perhaps even Moose Jaw and Regina. By 1899, his operation had expanded to more than 12 acres in size. It was so successful that it provided important part—time employment for many early homesteaders in the area.

Those early residents of the area reportedly used the " Elm Lodge" as a centre for social gatherings, etc. Apparently the outline of a stone " root cellar" is all that remains today of the Downs' homestead.  ( info from “Wagon Trails to Blacktop” Bethune and District Historical Society, 1983

Other early settlers where the Scott and Difley families Much of the land on which the cottages of the Resort Village are located was first rented from Daniel Difley.  Cottage development began sometime in the 1920s and accelerated after the first major dam created a permanent lake in 1943-44. 

Although some lots where subdivided in 1960, most of the areas continued to be rented until a major subdivision was registered in 1987. This occurred due to the continuing efforts of a number of leaseholders who wanted to receive separate title to the land their cottages had occupied for many years. As a result of their efforts the newly subdivided area was officially incorporated as the Resort Village of North Grove on January 1 1989